
Heathenry, or Germanic Neopaganism, centres on Scandinavian, Germanic and Anglo-Saxon deities and mythology. Heathens are largely polytheistic and follow a reconstructionist viewpoint, which aims to recreate the religion of ancient people through study of archaeological and historical records. These records include Old Norse texts (such as the Prose and Poetic Eddas, and the Icelandic Sagas), Germanic folklore,Continue reading “Heathenry”


Wyrd is an Anglo-Saxon term for fate or personal destiny. Wyrd is an Old English noun from the verb weorþan, meaning “to come to pass, to become”.  Wyrd has cognates in Old Saxon wurd, Old High German wurt, Old Norse urðr, Dutch worden (to become) and German werden. The term wyrd developed into the modernContinue reading “Wyrd”


Runes are letters in an ancient Germanic alphabet used from about 150 to 1100 CE, prior to the common usage of the Latin alphabet.  The word ‘rune’ is thought to come from a Middle English word that means “secret writing”.  Runes are also known as futhark/fuþark or futhorc/fuþorc based on the first six letters of the runic alphabet.  The threeContinue reading “Runes”